Monday, 23 January 2012


There is nothing like beginning the lunar new year with a healthy does of nostalgia. With thesis on the horizon, design process has been on the forefront of my mind -how does one process information? What data should be focused on? It also doesn't hurt that this balances out my lack of blog activities over the past months.

These are scans from a studio project sited along Kingsway / Metrotown. These snapshots, now three years ago, portray a site information gathering session.

Brain stew.

Conversing with shop keepers.
 Sketching outside of a tattoo parlour. 
 Sketching outside of a beauty parlour inside a mall.

Synthesizing on the bus.

Then on a unrelated but relevant note, sometimes, you really do dream things up. This was a scene I (sleepily) dreamt of shortly after my visit to Cumberland, the land of rivers and lake. The current consensus are that processes are diverse -sometimes linear, other times radial, then there are quantum leaps.