Saturday, 20 August 2011

RE: Roya -Beijing

Last summer, while I waited outside a subway station for you, a man in his twenties glanced over this sketch and commented in mandarin, 'Not bad.' The conversation was short but we parted with a wave. It seems universally agreed upon that the random person sketching next to you is always friendly and easy to talk to -chances are, they are right.

Deciphering rushed scribbles, sentiments on that park you brought me to after dinner.

 "Roya brought me to this amazing park. Now I truly believe when she says the park below her apartment is always bustling with activities. I believe that parks are vital in our everyday life, especially if one lives in an apartment or overtime routinely -this is one pace where we shed our day's trouble to be merry and partake in something larger than ourselves."


  1. As a pal of roya's,i was linked to this on her facebk wall. You have a great talent and,even if/when you start designing 'bigger' things,i sincerly hope you stick with the 'small'- like napkiN sketches. Oh,and your observations on park life were lovely!

  2. I've got to hand it to Roya, she got great friends. It's a pleasure to meet you Scotti, I definitely will and your comment helps direct the direction of things. The most ah-ha! moment comes when one person's experience touch another's, I'm glad we shared that moment.
